Candlelight podFLOW-HOT 🧿 Heated Yoga with a Relaxing Twist
A candlelit heated vinyassa flow that combines movement with deep relaxation.
Candlelight podHOT26+Nidra 🧿 Relaxing Hot Yoga & Meditation
A soothing candlelit hot yoga class incorporating yoga nidra meditation for deep relaxation.
YIN 🧿 Deep Stretch & Relaxation
A slow, meditative yoga class focusing on deep stretching and flexibility.
YIN + Meditation 🧿 Mindful Movement
A yin yoga session enhanced with guided meditation and breathwork techniques.
YIN + podNIDRA 🧿 Deep Relaxation & Meditation
A calming 90-minute yin yoga session ending with a deeply restorative yoga nidra meditation.
YIN + Sound 🧿 Deep Relaxation & Soothing Vibrations
A deeply relaxing yin yoga session infused with a healing sound bath.
podRESTORE 🧿 Rejuvenate and Reset Your Nervous System
A deeply rejuvenating restorative yoga practice to calm your mind and relax your body.