25 Hour Barre Training
Instructor Certification in Tucson, AZ
25 Hour Barre Instructor Training: Tucson, AZ
Winter 2025 - Dates TBD
Meeting Dates:
Friday: 5-9pm*
Saturday: 8am - 5pm*
Sunday: 8am - 5pm*
+ Attend five podBARRE group classes at Yoga Pod Tucson
*Location: Tucson Independent Yoga
Introducing Yoga Pod Tucson’s 25 Hour BARRE Training!
At Yoga Pod Tucson, we believe in the power of life-long learning and the importance of sharing knowledge. That’s why we are offering our podBARRE Training Program to both experienced yogis and barre enthusiasts alike. We aim to demystify the "secret sauce" of a barre practice, empowering you with the tools and understanding to incorporate these beneficial techniques into your wellness journey. With a focus on anatomical and structural support, you’ll learn why podBARRE is a safe and accessible system that allows practitioners of any age to unlock new found strength and stability. You’ll learn the podBARRE platforms for movement and how to create your own inspiring class using a variety of props, your unique voice and the power of music. You’ll thoroughly understand the mechanics of what makes podBARRE unique and accessible, inspiring the teacher inside of you to bloom. Upon completion of the 25 hour training, exam and final class submission, you will receive a certification to lead your own Barre group fitness class and be certified to teach barre classes in group fitness environments.
Program includes:
Bound podBARRE Training Manual + Anatomy Books
Snacks and two catered lunches by Chop Shop Tucson
Band, ball & sliders!
5 podBARRE Yoga Class Pack
About the podBARRE format:
With podBARRE, we have redefined barre fitness by eliminating the ballet barre and using versatile props like resistance bands, hand held weights, core balls, slider discs and yoga blocks. Our classes focus on targeted muscle engagement, enhancing strength and stability through mindful movement. Classes are low impact and offer options to increase accessibility so the movement feels good in your body.
Removing the ballet barres promotes enhanced balance and core strength, challenging your body in new and effective ways. Perfect for yogis, podBARRE complements your yoga practice by improving flexibility, balance, and overall strength. Our classes are community focused as we believe we grow stronger while moving together.
Join us and experience a revolutionary barre class that authentically connects body and mind.

“I never thought I’d feel confident teaching barre…
I took Kendall’s barre training after realizing how unprepared I was to teach barre coming off of another barre training a few years earlier. I went into the training with Kendall feeling like barre just wasn’t something I’d ever feel confident and ready to teach. BUT, Kendall has an incredible way of making barre fun, inclusive and really distilling the best practices so that classes feel creative as opposed to cookie cutter. I’ve now been teaching barre for three months and can’t say enough good things about Kendall and her training curriculum. I can’t wait to see more teachers using this method and I’d highly recommend this program to anyone who loves barre and has a desire to teach it but doubts their own ability. You can do it!”
Meet our Lead Instructor, Kendall Nations
Led by our expert instructor Kendall Nations, this training will be next level! Kendall has 13 years of teaching and curriculum development in yoga, fitness, and barre. She is a Yoga Alliance Certified RYT500, Aerobics and Fitness Association (AFAA) certified Group and Yoga Fitness Instructor and has Barre certifications from Barre3, FiTOUR and the Australian company Booty Barre. She completed her Cecchetti Ballet Intermediate Exam and has a background in examination level classical ballet. A student of life, she has 25 years of self-guided study and mentorship in Pilates, yoga, anatomy and Barre methods. She has created and nurtured Barre programs all over the world including Japan, England, California, and Tucson. For six years she owned Jamberri Fit, a successful yoga and barre streaming website offering professionally recorded prenatal, postnatal and parent + child workouts. Kendall creates a class with emotional warmth and physical accessibility while nurturing clients towards unlocking the next level of strength they didn’t know was possible.

“ The Yoga Pod team was very hands on and so knowledgeable!
The Barre Training at Yoga Pod Tucson provided a strong base to learn the barre platforms of movement, anatomy, musicality and modifications. The training started with fundamentals but built up to a higher level of coaching to assist in developing a class using cueing, counting, props and various ranges of motion.”
“Kendall was a wonderful facilitator who programmed the barre training to where I graduated confidently knowing how to effectively and safely guide my students through a class. Her vast knowledge and expertise on the subject was apparent throughout the entire training. She clearly is passionate and dedicated to her craft and I felt like I was in great hands the entire time!”
(Straight from Lead Instructor, Kendall!)
+ What is podBarre training?
podBARRE training is a 25-hour in-person training course offering detailed instruction accompanying a bound manual covering dynamic study of anatomy and physiology, movement education, an understanding of safe barre movements including how to move from stability in the body (with photos!), recommended platforms for movement, leading a class with effective communication, musicality and playlist secrets, and more!
First, it’s open to everyone! I have developed this Barre training from 13 years of teaching Barre, and 25 years of studying movement. I have included a complete and comprehensive study into anatomy & physiology related to a barre class, in plain English, so a participant can have key takeaways of WHY we lead what we lead in a class. You’ll learn how to sequence a class with movement that is accessible for most bodies based on human mechanics. Most important is you’ll learn movements that feel challenging, but feel really good to most bodies. You’ll learn how to modify movements to meet the needs of any population, and when and how to use props in class.
This barre training is ideal for anyone wanting to learn more about Barre, movement or fitness. A 25-hour Barre certification is sufficient to safely lead a group fitness class in a yoga or dance studio, boutique fitness center, gym, community center, small group setting like an office or a church group, or childcare group (strollers make amazing stability tools!). Most franchise studios have their own internal training programs that are not affiliated with this training, however the knowledge gained in this training may open a door if teaching for a boutique barre studio is the ultimate goal.
+ Will I be able to lead a class upon completion of the training??
Each participant will be given sample class outlines to teach, music suggestions and sample playlists, as well as a formula for creating their own classes and playlists when ready. Additional mentoring is available from Yoga Pod Tucson from a few of our podBARRE Mentors, or remotely from Kendall, the lead instructor.
+ I’ve only done Barre a few times, and I love it! Can I sign up for training?
Absolutely! There is no prerequisite to signing up, other than a love for movement and a desire to learn.
Of course not! You will be given all the tools to be able to teach a class confidently, but there is no pressure to teach.
+ Will I need to teach in a studio or room that has barres?
Nope! The format and curriculum for this class is based on Yoga Pod Tucson’s podBARRE class, which is taught without barres so clients rely on their stabilizing muscles and strength during class. Supplemental materials are given for if and when the class is taught with barres and how to use them.
+ Can I teach at Yoga Pod Tucson after training?
If you are interested in teaching at Yoga Pod Tucson after completion of the training and the lead instructor feels you are prepared, you will have the opportunity to receive more mentorship and community class experience at Yoga Pod Tucson. If your community classes go well, you will receive an invitation to be on the studio substitute instructor list and eventually have a regular class if your substitute role is a good fit for both you and the studio and a regular class opens up that aligns with your scheudule.
+ I don’t live in Tucson, where can I stay for the training?
We have a list of recommended hotels and restaurants (it’s a foodie city!) and lunch is catered on Saturday and Sunday. Reach out to Kendall@Tucsonyogapod.com and I’ll send you a list!
$400 Non-refundable deposit to reserve your spot (remaining $475 due by program start)
For more information, email Shae@tucsonyogapod.com or call the studio at (520) 261-0728.
If you are traveling from out of town and would like recommendations for lodging, please click HERE.